Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Moving forward

As I sit contemplating how much I no longer want to work where I am currently employed, I actively engage in positive thought processing. That is, I am mapping how I will make the transition from working outside the home for an outside employer to working for myself full-time. I can wish all I want for the life I desire or actually do something about it, which is something that sets successful people apart from those who never achieve much in life. It’s a matter of always moving forward and taking risks. Successful individuals are not afraid of the unknown because they know that taking risks is a part of achieving a dream. Successful individuals may make mistakes, but they learn from those mistakes and keep moving on.

I am grateful I found a mentor in a local writer who is very successful in his freelance career. I started working for him part-time a couple of months ago. I only wish it was full time! Aack! No wishing here – just doing! J He has taught me a lot so far and I look forward to him showing me more of “the ropes” in having a successful freelance career. I have also started researching potential markets for me to break into (low-paying, but good for gaining experience) and compiled some article ideas. Next I have to create some query letters to send out and to line up experts to interview for my articles. I am also moving ahead with my memoir, more aggressively than ever, so I can get that to an agent. I indicated previously I wanted this accomplished before year-end, but as long as my schedule doesn’t derail, it should be by the end of November.

Stay positive, stay focused!!

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